Tracking & Analytics
Ad Management
How does the Balloonary Snippet work?
The Balloonary Snippet has two main purposes: It's an independent data tracker It automates ad platform tracking codes All you have to do to benefit is adding the snippet to your website once. But let's look at what the two points above even mean in detail: Independent Data Tracking The Balloonary Snippet is a way to independently track visits and conversions to your website. When you run ad campaigns, Balloonary will show you the data that the ad platforms report directly. But soSome readersHow to transfer a Brand to another team of your account?
Go to the main top left drop down menu and select MANAGE BRANDS Click the More button (3 dots) to the right of the project that you want to transfer and select TRANSFER BRAND Select the team in the drop down and confirm by typing TRANSFER DoneSome readersHow to add the Balloonary snippet to my web page?
Select a BRAND Select and open a an AD Click on the YOUR WEBSITE tab in the top part of the screen Under ANALYTICS, click on CONNECT Open your website's/external page to edit your html code Copy/paste the Balloonary snippet into your website's code (usually in the HEADER section of your website's html code) Save and publish the changes in your website Go back to Balloonary and click OPEN PAGE TO VALIDATE When integrating the Balloonary Snippet in your website you might want toSome readersHow to create a new Brand?
Select MANAGE BRANDS from the top left corner drop-down menu Click on ADD NEW BRAND and follow the creation wizard to create a new project and campaign You can either create a new private brand or a new team brand depending on your Balloonary subscription planFew readersHow to delete a Brand?
Go to the main top left drop down menu and select MANAGE BRANDS Click the More button (3 dots) to the right of the project that you want to delete and select DELETE BRAND DoneFew readersWhere to find the Balloonary snippet?
Select MANAGE BRANDS from the top left corner drop-down menu Click the More button (3 DOTS) to the right of the project that you want to select Click on BRAND SETTINGS Click on Copy to copy your project's Balloonary SNIPPET If you are already in your selected project, you can also directly select BRAND SETTINGS. Alternatively, when you add an LANDING PAGE to your CAMPAIGN for the first time, you will also copy your SNIPPET in the EDITOR.Few readersHow to filter ad runs?
Open a CAMPAIGN Under AD RUNS under your campaign funnel click on any of the ad runs to see the data for that specific ad run for your campaign funnel. Without any ad run selected, your campaign funnel shows the sum of all your ad runs.Few readersHow to stop a campaign?
Open a CAMPAIGN Click on the AD element of your campaign funnel to open the editor Click STOP THIS AD at the very bottom Any unspent campaign budget will be refunded within 24h to be used to relaunch/launch an ad.Few readersHow to archive or unpublish a campaign?
Select a BRAND Open a CAMPAIGN Click on the SETTINGS wheel next to the NEW AD button on the right Select ARCHIVE/UNPUBLISH You can also archive/unpublish a campaign from the CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW by click on the three dots icon.Few readersA/B Testing - Targeting
How to A/B test ad targeting with Balloonary?Few readersHow to delete an ad?
Select a BRAND Open a CAMPAIGN However with the mouse of the ad pill until the 3 dots appear Click on the 2 dots to see the different options Select DELETE Note: you cannot remove an element for which data has already been generated, but you can duplicate your campaign to edit it as needed.Few readersA/B Testing - Ad Content
How to A/B test ad content with Balloonary?Few readers
Balloonary Account Settings
How to change your password?
Select ACCOUNT SETTINGS from the top left corner drop-down menu Under USER, enter your new password in the NEW PASSWORD field Click SAVESome readersHow to accept the advertising request for your Facebook page?
Steps to connect your Facebook account to Balloonary. Go to and click on the notification from Spoticle. Why Spoticle and not Balloonary? Spoticle Sarl is the name of the company that is building Balloonary. In case you don’t see that notification go to “Pages”, then choose the page in question. Then click “Settings”, then “Page Roles”. Scroll down until you see “Pending Partner Requests” and click on “Respond to Request”. ClicFew readersFixing Facebook Email Permission
In order to sign up for Balloonary, you need a valid email address on your Facebook account and grant Balloonary permission to access it. If you don't have an email on your Facebook account, then please use a different sign up method. If you mistakenly deactivated the email permission during the signup, here's how to fix it: Open Balloonary's app settings in Facebook and click "Remove" on the top right.Few readersHow to change your account details?
Select ACCOUNT SETTINGS from the top left corner drop-down menu Under USER, enter your new email in the EMAIL field and your name in the FULL NAME field Click SAVEFew readersHow to make a purchase as a registered business?
Select ACCOUNT SETTINGS from the top left corner drop-down menu Under BILLING INFO, check the box PURCHASE AS A BUSINESS Enter your company name and VAT number in the COMPANY NAME and VAT NUMBER fields Click SAVEFew readersHow to change your payment method?
Select ACCOUNT SETTINGS from the top left corner drop-down menu Under PAYMENT METHOD, click on CHANGE You will be redirected to a STRIPE page to update your payment methodFew readersHow can I cancel my Balloonary plan subscription?
After you unsubscribe from your Balloonary plan, we’ll no longer charge you a monthly/yearly fee, Ads will stop running, and you will no longer receive AI Tokens every month. You may resubscribe at any time, and relaunch your ads after that. To unsubscribe from your Balloonary plan: Log in to your Balloonary account. Click on your brand name in theFew readersHow to add/edit your billing information?
Select ACCOUNT SETTINGS from the top left corner drop-down menu Under BILLING INFO, add/edit your billing information Click SAVEFew readersHow to upgrade your subscription plan?
Select ACCOUNT SETTINGS from the top left corner drop-down menu Under PLAN, select CHANGE to change your plan or CONTACT if you require a custom plan.Few readers
How to add a new member to a team?
Select MANAGE TEAMS from the top left corner drop-down menu Click on ADD TEAM MEMBERS Enter the email address of person you want to invite to the team (to invite several people, separate the email addresses with a comma "," ) Click NEXT Select a ROLE Click NEXT Click on INVITE NOW to send out invitations to the email addresse(s) you providedFew readersHow to create a new team?
Select MANAGE TEAMS from the top left corner drop-down menu Click on CREATE TEAM Enter the team's name in the TEAM NAME field Click NEXT Enter a project name in the PROJECT NAME field Click on NEXT or SKIP PROJECT CREATION Click on CREATE If you skip project creation, you can always go to MANAGE PROJECTS later to add a new project to your new team.Few readersHow to remove a team member from a team?
Select MANAGE TEAMS from the top left corner drop-down menu Click the More button (3 DOTS) to the right of the team member that you want to change Click on REMOVE MEMBER Click on YES, REMOVEFew readersHow to delete a team?
Select MANAGE TEAMS from the top left corner drop-down menu Click the More button (3 DOTS) to the right of the team name that you want to change Click on DELETE TEAM Enter "DELETE" in the CONFIRMATION field Click on YES,DELETEFew readers
Making sure that Google and Facebook can scan your page
In order to run ads on any major ad platform you have to make sure that those platforms have access to your destination page. They need this access to scan your page and make sure its content matches with your ad and with their quality standards and policies. Of course those platforms don't send their employees to check out your page manually. Instead they use bots to scan your page. And because these bots are friendly ones, they even tell your page who they are. They do this by sending a headerFew readersHow to add the Balloonary tracking snippet to a Wordpress page?
There are two major ways how to add the Balloonary tracking snippet to your WordPress page: 1 - Via a plugin: In the Wordpress sidebar go to "Plugins" and click "Add New". Search for the ( WPCode – Insert Headers and Footers) plugin. Click "Install now", then "Activate". In the Wordpress sidebar go to "CuFew readersI can't find my Google ad account in the list. What can I do?
If you have access to a Google ad account but Balloonary doesn't show it in the ad account dropdown, we might have an explanation for that. In general Balloonary lists all the Google ad accounts that your user has direct access to. So what does direct access mean in this context? It means your user must be added to the account with an access level set to "admin". Here's how you can check that is the case: Open the Google ads interface ( and sign in Select the sub-account yoFew readers